Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter 2015

Wow it has been a long time aince we have posted anything. We are very sorry about that.

Caleb is now in school at Ottawa Area Center, and gets all the therapy and education he needs. He is starting to talk a little more and can even walk in a walker with assistance. We are so proud of him and how well he does at school and on the bus.

Jonah is starting to get potty trained and once he is he will start school as well. He has been doing eating very well but has not gained much weight. He is 26 lbs and 36in so he is still a little guy.

We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with such smart boys. They are our pride and joy!

God bless!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jonah bryden

Jonah is doing so well! He got his g-tube out and us eating and drinking well!

He is under weight though but we know that God had a plan for these boys and the trials we are going through is all in his plan!

Caleb David

The boys are 2 now! We cannot believe we made it this far. Thank you Lord for giving us the strength to get through the hard times!

Caleb is doing well, although he is still not walking. He is making very good progress! He just learned how to pull himself up to standing in his crib! He is trying to crawl now and doing well. We have went through Mary free bed, and it has made great progress! We are so thankful to ellen!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy birthday boys!

Happy birthday to my little guys! We are so blessed to make it to the two year mark! Time flew by so fast! Thank you Jesus for getting us through the hard times and giving us all of the good times.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Pool time!

First time in the pool! We were a little apprehensive at first, but after we realized it was just a big bath we were so happy! We had so much fun!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Jonah being his true self...:-)


Here is a happy Caleb at dinner time! They are growing so big and tall!

Caleb will be getting braces for his legs in the next few weeks. We pray these will help him tremendously!